Victoria Mahoney

head of marketing and partnerships

Victoria is a marketing, partnerships, and communications specialist with experience in media relations, event management, social media and government relations. Victoria is the lead on multiple Harmony Marketing event clients including the Canadian International Airshow, JerkFest Toronto and City of Kitchener and is the co-producer of the Toronto Waterfront Festival and Sugar Shack TO in Toronto.

Victoria was instrumental in bringing the World’s Largest Rubber Duck throughout Ontario in 2017 which secured over 222M earned PR impressions for Toronto’s event alone and brought over 750,000 people to Toronto’s Waterfront. Victoria specializes in sponsorship, experiential marketing, government relations and communications for festivals and events and is the head of all public relations and social media for clients. In her spare time, Victoria teaches tap dancing classes in the east end of Toronto. She also loves to travel and has visited all 7 continents and over 40 countries.


Breakout Session, November 7

Are you not hearing back from your event sponsorship pitches? Do you struggle to put sponsorship packages together and properly report on outcomes and data for your sponsors? Do you want to learn more about experiential marketing, what it is and how to secure it for your next event?

Then this is the session for you. In this workshop you will learn more about:

  • A brief overview of experiential marketing vs. sponsorship (for events / festivals)

  • Revenue opportunities with experiential marketing and customized partnerships for events.

  • Post reporting, data collection and what information sponsors expect post-event.

  • Tips for data gathering onsite and online for attendee demographics.

  • Tips for reaching out and pitching XM agencies and what they look for.

  • Festival and event trends for 2024 and beyond.


  • Attendees will learn tips and tricks for securing more XM (experiential marketing) and sponsorships for events.

  • Attendees will learn how to collect and what types of information to collect for sponsor post reports.

  • Attendees will learn about event trends and sponsorship activation trends.