building a sponsorship program that wins

speaker: erin gobolos

Many charities rely on a number of revenue sources, including government contracts and grants, community and corporate foundation funding, and individual and planned giving to fulfill their mandate and achieve outcomes for the people they serve. However, many charities fail to understand the opportunities that exist with corporate sponsorship and how to effectively integrate corporate sponsorship into their fund development strategies leaving a huge source of funding untapped and a trail of dissatisfied partners. Learn how to position your charity, moving from a philanthropic to a partner-driven strategy so that sponsorship can become a strategic source of funding for your charity. Session will include building a sponsorship program based on partnerships and discovery rather than a philanthropic ask for dollar, discuss how to position the charity and structure the proposal based on what it can bring to the corporate buyer. The workshop will include listeners listing the assets they have to offer and insights into how to present them as an offering to a potential partner.